Qwerty 40

On sale

Qwerty 40 is something of a double issue for Fall 2019-Winter 2020. It's our fortieth issue, and we're celebrating with a striking black and gold cover, amazing colour images, and seemingly endless international literary talent.

Featuring work from Nicholas Alti, Amba Azaad, Elizabeth Ball, Daisy Bassen, Debbie Bateman, Arno Bohlmeijer, Iain Britton, Ann-Marie Brown, Earl Carrender, Marisa P. Clark, Will Cordeiro, Katherine Fallon, Michael Foy, John Grey, Kathleen Gunton, Andrew Hamilton, Lisa K. Harris, Phyllis Peterson Levine, Laila Malik, Ellen Birkett Morris, Geoffrey Morrison, Linda Neal, Peter O'Donovan, Kimberly Peterson, Fabrice Poussin, Shannon Quinn, Dan Raphael, Midge Raymond, C. R. Resetarits, Joseph Reyes, Hibah Shabkhez, Alina Stefanescu, Laura Sweeney, John Tavares, Shelley Wood, Christine Wu, and Hal Y. Zhang.